Christ the Servant King

Loving God - Loving our Community

Come as you are           Stay         Go Out


Coming up 

General election 2024 

On 4th July, we’ll be having a general election. The result of this will have profound  implications for our lives in the next few years. On Sunday 2nd June, Richard Peters from Christians in Politics will be speaking at both 9am and 10.45am services. On 9th June we’ll be thinking through what it means to pray, debate and use our vote wisely at CSK at Wisdom@7. 

You can also sign up for daily reflections from the Church of England for the 21 days running up to the election.

Love Wycombe 

On 9th June we’ll be having just our 9am service as we will be going to  Love Wycombe 

Our services in general 

We're glad to be meeting at our building twice each Sunday: 

Our 9am gathering is a traditional service using the set prayers for the week, generally quieter, with mostly older hymns and songs.
Our 10:45 gathering is more informal with music led by one of our bands, kids groups (most Sundays) and a generally faster pace.

And we meet at 9:30am on a Wednesday for a quiet spoken communion service, followed by our Open Doors Café.

If you have any questions or would like more details contact us here

You'll find all of our past recorded content on our YouTube channel, with more appearing each week:Wholehearted

click here to learn more about what we think and how we live:centred around Jesus