Christ the Servant King

Loving God - Loving our Community

Join us

Our focus for 2025 up to Pentecost will be the heart of our faith.Heart of our faith


Church building Wednesday 5th Feb 9.30am (Midweek Communion)
  • Sunday 9th February 2025 9am (traditional communion ) "insights into the Lord's prayer" and 10.45am (Informal with Kidzone) on the “Prayer - listening to God”

Also this week

Monday 3rd February Craft and Chat and Church in the Pub

tots and community cafe

Children and youth 

Click on the children and youth link for more information about what our children get up to. You can also find out about other events including our next  Clothes bank on Friday 14th February, community pancake morning on Tuesday 18th February. You can also see pictures of our Messy play yesterday. Next Messy play is on 18th March.

Click on this "What's happening soon?" link for further information on future events including our Craft and Chat, confirmation dates etc. 

Click on this Church administrator job vacancy link for further information on applying for our church administrator. Deadline is 31st January 

Click on this past services link to hear last week’s service on "The Heart of our Faith part 1" and other past services.

Click on our Advent resources link to revisit our Advent 2024 resources or see any you missed.

All about us

We're a lively, active, passionate church community based in the South West of High Wycombe. 
We live to follow Jesus, to do what he told us to do: 
In a nutshell, to love God and to love our neighbour. 

Imagery Copyright 2020 Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, Maxar Technologirs, The Geoinformation Group, Map Data, Google ©2020

   Our Sunday Services, an opportunity to gather to think, pray, celebrate and encourage, take place at 9am and 10:45am each Sunday on-site, on-screen and on-line, live in the building and shared via Zoom and YouTube. When we meet in large gatherings, we give each other space, and keep windows open for ventilation, to protect the vulnerable members of the community.

  We remain connected by God's powerful Spirit and stay in touch in many ways - by phone, email, online via Zoom, through friendships, small groups and on our Facebook Page here: CSK High Wycombe - Facebook 

If you want to learn more about us:-

Click on the image below to find out more:Connected


Click on the image below to access all our recorded services:Wholehearted

  Click on the image below to learn about what we think and how we want to live:centred around Jesus

  Click on the image below to learn more about how we work to ensure a safe and loving community:
Safeguarding our community

If you'd like to get in touch with us about anything, please click on the image below to contact us:Contact - spanPhoto by a hrefhttps:unsplash.comalexandrews?utmsourceunsplashamputmmediumreferralamputmcontentcreditCopyTextAlexander Andrewsa on a