Christ the Servant King

Loving God - Loving our Community

spanPhoto by a hrefhttps:unsplash.comhannahbusing?utmsourceunsplashamputmmediumreferralamputmcontentcreditCopyTextHannah Businga on a hrefhttps:unsplash.comsphotoshands

  God made us to be connected: no one is an island, we are all part of the mainland, and so as a church community we aim to provide ways of connecting you with God and with others in our community. 
  We join together praising God, getting to know each other, growing as we explore the way of Jesus, building each other up and sharing God's good news in the world.
 If you'd like to receive weekly updates about what's going on at CSK, go to our contact page to get in touch.
  And you'll find us 
here on facebook.
    To explore all of our past talks and recorded worship and prayer, including videos for kids and families, please have a look here:

 big part of our community life takes place in 'small groups' - it's really worth clicking here to find out more:spanPhoto by a hrefhttps:unsplash.comlobosnico?utmsourceunsplashamputmmediumreferralamputmcontentcreditCopyTextNicolas Lobosa on a hrefhttps:unsplash.comsphotossmall-gr